Turbine Flats Coworking
Turbine Flats Coworking seeks to provide a shared, community-driven workspace for location-independent workers.Coworking Just Got Better
Are you looking for a collaborative and supportive community to work? Turbine Flats provides modern facilities and top-notch amenities to make it easy for you to stay focused and productive. As a member you’ll be an active part of what Turbine Flats is and does for you and for others. We provide you with access to common work space, internet access, office equipment, conference space, knowledge resources and other services we may provide from time to time. With the ability to come and go at any hour and free parking you'll be able to get it all done.$75
paid monthlyFull Time
Business Hours
Mondays through Fridays
9:00am - 5:00pm
paid monthlyFull Time
24 Hours
Normal business hours don't work for you? With 24 hour access to Turbine Flats, you can work the hours that fit your lifestyle.
Part Time
As Needed
If a monthly membership isn't the right fit for you, we've partnered with Croissant Coworking. To cowork with us during business hours, please use the button below.
Cowork with Croissant
Coworking Amenities
At Turbine Flats, we understand that every professional has different needs and preferences when it comes to their workspace. That's why we work with each and every coworker to make sure that they have the tools and hardware they need to make their experience comfortable and easy.Coffee & TeaUse our coffee pots or hot water dispenser to whip something up or go to Reactor purchase your favorites.
PrintingFree printing is available in black and white. Please ask the community manager for printing instructions.
KitchenYou may store your food in the refrigerator but don't forget your food when leaving!
Office EquipmentWe provide you with a standing desk, chair and more! If there is anything you are missing, just ask the community manager.
Internet AccessFree internet access via wifi or ethernet.
Conference RoomsAvailable to rent hourly for your next meeting. Please ask the community manager for rates and availability.